
Why Now is the Best Time to Take Your Business Online

Why Now is the Best Time to Take Your Business Online

  • 28 December, 2021
  • Prayukty Technologies
  • General

Bill Gates, the co-founder and former CEO of Microsoft Corporation, has said, “If your business is not on the Internet, then your business will be out of business.”
In the past decade, there has been a huge upsurge of online tech giants and e-commerce industries all over the world. If we look closely, we will notice that majority of them started in a college dorm room or an unused garage in the backyard and so on. So, how did they pull it off? How did they metamorphose from an almost insignificant business to goliath multinational companies with establishments in nearly every nation across the globe?
The answer is quite simple. They went online.
As the world steps into the digital era, every professional must have an identity online in order to not only compete and thrive but also to survive. The Internet is probably the greatest boon ever to be placed upon humanity, and we all must explore it to its fullest potential and it will do wonders for us. We at Prayukty Technologies are here to guide you to use this unparalleled tool, i.e., the Internet, and help you reach your fullest potential.
Here are the top five reasons you should establish an online presence for you or your business/company:

1. Very Low Start-Up Costs – You can spend hundreds of thousands on offices, vehicles and staff or you can simply build your website and connect with your customers hassle-free.
2. Larger Market/Audience Reach – In an online business, there are no boundaries. You can reach people in each and every corner of the world. The entire world is your market.
3. Work From Anywhere – Taking your business online gives you the ability to have location freedom so you can live and work from anywhere you want; you’re not stuck to a physical location.
4. Reduce Operation Costs – Making use of various online service providers you can now take all aspects of your business online, such as purchasing, billing, order fulfilment, and shipping which can make a significant difference in cost savings.
5. Create a Brand Identity – A good website is all you need to create a brand identity which will significantly help in expanding your market, and we at Prayukty Technologies will provide you with the best ideas and tool you need.
Furthermore, in recent times, every offline profession has been acutely affected worldwide as a result of the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. Most of the business industries like hospitality, transport, manufacturing, etc. have faced the complete cessation of business. In these tough times, we all must embrace the online world if we want to grow and flourish.
Just remember, a good online presence will not only help you expand, but also help you become the best version of yourself, and Prayukty Technologies will make sure that you get your name beside the largest tech giants and multinationals.


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